How to add WordPress theme styles to Gutenberg

In a couple months or so, Gutenberg will revolutionize WordPress publishing as we know it. It’ll finally bring a much-needed standardized content creation experience to WordPress. There’s just one small caveat. Innovation can’t happen without WordPress theme developers committing to the Gutenberg experience.

If Gutenberg will become the de facto editing experience for the average WordPress user, why not make it the best experience possible?

So after an inspiring trip to Nashville for WCUS, I decided to jump on the Gutenberg ship myself and start styling the upcoming editor within my latest WordPress theme, Tabor.

Edit: Since posting this article, many of the details of applying editor styling to WordPress themes has changed quite significantly. The good news is, I’ve re-written this guide with up-to-date code examples from a my Gutenberg-optimized WordPress themes like Wabi. Enjoy!

Adding editor style support

If your WordPress theme is not properly optimized for WordPress 5.0, it’ll assuredly become hopelessly obsolete in this post-Gutenberg era of WordPress. Even worse, your theme could end up causing a whole slew of styling issues within the new editor, and even on the front-end.

Adding WordPress theme styles to Gutenberg is not as “plug-and-play” as one would think. To start, you’ll want to use the add_theme_support() function to declare support for editor styles. 

Here’s an example of how I declared support for editor styling in my popular WordPress theme, Tabor:

Next, you’ll want to enqueue your editor stylesheet with the add_editor_style() function. While the above simply declares support for editor styling, this bit will load the actual styles you’ve established into the editor to bring it on par with the front end styling. 

Here’s what we have now:

Apart from registering the Gutenberg-specific stylesheet, theme developers will absolutely need to fine-tune elements within the new editor to ensure that each displays with relative parity to the actual front-end output. Otherwise, the editor won’t actually look like the front-end at all…

Fine-tuning theme styles within Gutenberg

The biggest issue with applying editor styling, is that block elements have margin and padding that simply do not exist within the theme’s front-end styling. Getting the editor styled “just right” will likely take a number of tweaks and probably a few wacky hacks here and there.

One of the newish features of Gutenberg is that you don’t need to add an obscene amount of prefixes anymore, as the editor will automatically add relevant prefixes to the styles behind the scenes. If you’re using SASS (which you absolutely should) then applying styles to the editor is not so bad. You can set a lot of variables and reference those in both the front-end stylesheet and editor stylesheet. For reference, here is the editor stylesheet (SASS) from my York Lite theme. It’ll help if you open that up in another window and follow along.

Styling individual blocks

You can use the .wp-block selector to style every block, or to be more specific, use .wp-block-{name}. For example, to apply a custom editor style to the Author block in my CoBlocks plugin, you’d use .wp-block-coblocks-author

Styling default, full and wide editor widths

Expanding off of the .wp-block selector, we can target the align data attribute, to set the full and wide alignment values to use within the editor. Again, if you’re using SASS, simply throw in your variables for each the wide and full alignments. Check out the following example:

Changing the editor’s typography

You’ll need to first load your fonts within the editor, if you’re using something like Google fonts on the front-end of the theme. If you’re using a function to spin up the selected font URL from Google Fonts (which you probably should be doing), you can simply plug that into the add_editor_style() function, and append it right below where your actual editor stylesheet is added. 

Here’s a full working example from York Lite, with the corresponding font url function – which you can check out right here.

Now that the fonts are loaded, to match the editor’s typography with the theme, you’ll want to target the body and p selectors primarily. Don’t forget to style headings as well, H1 through H6, and ensure they are properly colored and are the correct font sizes.

Styling the page/post title

Adding Gutenberg editor styles doesn’t stop with the main content. We can also target the editor’s title to style it like the page or post title on the front-end; again leveraging SASS so we’re not doubling our efforts. Here’s how:

Potential pitfalls

If your WordPress theme registers its entire front-end stylesheet for the Gutenberg editor, you’ll end up with a complete mess:

There’s quite a bit of work to be done for these WordPress themes. And from my experience reviewing WordPress themes at Envato — theme developers are notoriously lazy. Sure, proper editor styles are required for themes uploaded to the WordPress repository, but outside of, it’s the wild west. So if your theme is doing it wrong — fix it now!


With the release of Gutenberg into the wild, users will come to expect a true one-to-one content creation experience. If a WordPress theme’s editor styling isn’t up to par, the user’s experience is instantly disrupted. Then you’re missing the point of Gutenberg right off the bat: to capitalize on improving the user experience of WordPress editing.

Adding theme styles to Gutenberg is not difficult by any means. But it does take a bit of effort and consideration, to build a beautiful content editing experience on top of Gutenberg. Just take a look at this video, which shows how proper editor styles dramatically improve the content creating experience in WordPress 5.0+.

Writing a post using the Tabor WordPress theme

Unfortunately, without fine-tuning the theme styles within Gutenberg, you end up with a what-you-see-is-probably-close-enough-to-what-you-get experience. Not the promising editing experience we’re all shooting for. I encourage all theme developers to experiment with adding WordPress theme styles to Gutenberg. Let me know when you do, as I’m curating a collection of “actually” Gutenberg-ready WordPress themes — and I’d love to see yours!


  1. Anh Tran Avatar

    Looks like it’s similar to enqueue editor style for tinyMCE. It would be great if the docs for all default block styles are available. It’s hard to style just by inspecting elements.

    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      Yea I agree. If it’s too much work, I suspect we won’t see very many themes adopting the new editor.

    2. Carrie Dils Avatar

      I had the same thought. I pulled unminified CSS directly from Gutenberg front-end styles (link below). It’s certainly helpful for front-end styling but doesn’t capture everything in the editor (for example, I’m currently slogging through how to apply custom button styles in the visual editor to buttons, but not to Gutenberg’s component buttons. There are some additional classes available to target to help with this, but they’re not accounted for in the front-end stylesheet output by Gutenberg).

      Rich’s suggestion of wrapping all editor styles in a .edit-post-visual-editor is a big step in the right direction though.

  2. Jake Avatar

    Rich do you think that styling all the theme assets to a what you see is close enough is even worth it? It is a premature question, but isn’t the goal to have Gutenberg expand into the Customizer next? I came back to this article to review what you have done because I am trying to consider if I’m going to wait out porting my work to Guetenberg until they get it in the customizer. Nearly all my client sites use the front-end editor for posts and the backend for CPT / Pages.

    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      Hi Jake. I do.

      I don’t know at what point Gutenberg and the Customizer will merge, what that will look like, or even what it’ll encompass — but I do know that if a theme’s styling and Gutenberg doesn’t line-up, it’s not great for the user.

      It’s a lot of work though, at least to get it really good. I’m doing it for my project,, and a couple of my blog/writing themes — but I won’t do it for all of them just yet.

  3. Jake Avatar

    Thank you!

    I finally watched the LoopConf video by Mel Choyce last night which showed off ideas of how the future might look. I really hadn’t turned the corner that the customizer is the front-end.

  4. Greg Avatar

    I came across this post looking for a way to add my theme’s stylesheet to the editor the way we did for tinymce. You’re right that adding the stylesheet to the entire interface is a mess! Is there not a way to add the stylesheet just to tinymce elements in Gutenberg? I like Gutenberg so far but am frustrated by the lack of documentation. It’s making it too difficult/time consuming to test it out ahead of launch.

    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      Hey Greg! Yea, there’s not a way to append a stylesheet to just the proper elements within Gutenberg. It’s definitely a bit tricky at the moment, though I don’t suspect it’ll get much easier.

  5. nan Avatar

    How would you go and add dynamic customizer styles to the gut. editor?
    Thinking of adding some basic customizer based colors such as button background colors and body background color etc.

    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      I’m honestly not sure how we’d be able to communicate those dynamic styles. Maybe adding the Customizer’s inline styles to display within the Gutenberg editor, with the Gutenberg-relative selectors within in? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  6. Stephen Petrey Avatar

    Oh man dude. This is great. I’ve been looking for a solution for this for weeks. It looks like Gutenberg is here to stay, so might as well prepare for it right!

    Also, design shoutout — this theme is dope! Very nice and polished.

    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      Thanks Stephen!

  7. Alex Avatar

    I’m working on a ground-up theme build with a bunch of custom blocks (most of them to replace those page-builders for the homepage and other complex pages). The biggest challenge so far – on smaller screens admin ui elements (read side panels) take up so much screen estate that the actual page becomes so narrow that it would switch to the tablet layout, should it be on front-end. Except just adding a horizontal scroll for the whole editor view to let the user edit the desktop layout I can’t come up with a acceptable solution. Any ideas?

    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      That sounds like an interesting project Alex. ?

      If you have a lot of admin UI, it may be best to pull them out in a pop-up of sorts, or work in a clever way to toggle views via the Block Controls.

      On my CoBlocks plugin, I have a Gist block which I’ve added a toggle control (the “info” icon on the screenshot here, which when clicked brings you to the Gist URL view you see right above the actual gist in that screenshot.

      Maybe something like that could work?

  8. Alex Avatar

    By admin UI, I mean native WordPress menu panel at the left and Gutenberg’s document/block settings panel at the right of the page. On typical 13′ macbook this leaves us with only 740px for the actual page content.

    So here’s the fundamental issue: a page cannot look the same in editor (in 740px container) as it looks on front-end (1280px width on the same screen).

    That definitely defies the idea of having an “almost-wysiwyg” editing experience.

    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      Ah, I see what you mean. Realistically, blocks don’t have to use the Inspector region — if you can figure out a creative way to add options and settings via block views or pop-overs.

      Eventually Gutenberg will likely exist within the Customizer sidebar, so that’ll save a bit more horizontal space — but as it currently stands, we need an Advanced Settings area, for uncommonly used block settings.


  9. frank woelky Avatar

    looks like this technique is not working anymore. i can’t see any gutenberg-min.css in the editor source…

    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      Hey Frank,

      There’s been a lot of changes (and ongoing changes even) to editor styling. The styles still load using this method, but there is work being done to improve the process by automatically adding proper prefixes to editor-styles. I’d honestly suggest waiting another week or so before doubling down on editor styles, as it should be cleared up a bit more then. ?

  10. Gilles Avatar

    Thanks for your contribution to this new way of development.

    I have a pretty neat fix for not messing up the whole admin area with your styles but still be able to include all of them in an easy way.

    The only requirement is that you already have a sass build.
    Then instead of enqueue your main.sass / css, make another “admin.sass” and include the “main.sass” like this:

    .edit-post-visual-editor {
    @import “main”;

    With this, all styles will only apply to the gutenberg visual editor.
    Then only enqueue the generated admin.css.

    Work great here!

    Enjoy 😉

    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      Thanks Gilles! While this is an interesting method, you end up inserting a lot of styling that is unnecessary for the editor. I’m actually working on an update to the post with a few new methods I’ve started deploying throughout my themes. Using SCSS is a necessity for sure though. Otherwise it’s very difficult to keep styles synced up.

      1. Darinka Avatar

        I think I’ve found another way around this issue: I enqueued an admin-fix.css file along with the main stylesheet, so no need for prefixing in a separate css.

        Basically, you revert the mess that the enqueued stylesheet caused, simply by adding a couple of css rules. For me, that was just couple of lines:

        #adminmenu { font-size: inherit; }

        .edit-post-sidebar ul, .edit-post-sidebar ol,
        #adminmenu ol, #adminmenu ul { padding: 0; }

        .edit-post-sidebar button,
        #adminmenu button { font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; color: inherit; }

        .edit-post-sidebar a:hover,
        #adminmenu a:hover { color: inherit !important; }

        Now I don’t have to worry about maintaining two css files that basically have the same rules in it.

      2. Rich Tabor Avatar

        That’s an interesting approach Darinka. So you’re still loading your entire style.css stylesheet into the editor?

      3. Houblon Avatar

        Darinka, thanks very much for posting this. It’s exactly what I was looking for. I took your example and ran with it, based on my theme’s styles having a greater impact on the admin.

        Here’s a gist in case it’s of use to anyone:

        YMMV, and I’m not sure I’ve found all the affected styles, but hopefully this covers most of it. In my case, with the styles in the gist, Gutenberg matches my theme very closely, especially in fullscreen mode. While it’s not ideal to maintain WordPress core styles, there’s not too many to maintain, so the work is minimal. Cheers!

  11. Dameer Avatar

    Maybe I’m wrong, but if Gutenberg’s goal is to match front-and-back-end (styles) then both the theme and G editor should share the same (ONE) stylesheet file. But it kinda sounds impossible…

    Next problem… what’s the point of using Customizer for styling theme’s typography if there’s no way to apply changes to Gutenberg editor too? And what sense does make the effort of making front-and-back-end match each other visually from the Customizer point of view?

    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      Yea, I don’t think it’s possible to share one stylesheet between the two, however, you actually can apply Customizer colors/typography selections to the editor. Here is a tweet where I show it working in Tabor. This is how I do it on my free York Lite theme.

      1. Dameer Avatar

        OK Rich, great, that’s a clue! Didn’t know about an inline-style option, didn’t think of it at all, it’s definitely better than nothing. Woohoo, thanks!

      2. Rich Tabor Avatar

        Anytime! I enjoy solving these sort of enhancements. ☺️

  12. Michael Guthrie Avatar

    Hi Rich.
    In your post you said, “I’m curating a collection of “actually” Gutenberg-ready WordPress themes”. Did you ever curate a list of Gutenberg ‘actual’ ready themes? I’ve been looking for such a curated list that don’t rely on 3rd party page builders.

    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      Hi Michael, I started to – but it was very difficult to find themes that are properly optimized for Gutenberg (even still). I’m keeping an eye out though!

      1. Michael Guthrie Avatar

        Thanks for the reply Rich.
        I’ll subscribe to your updates.

        So what criteria would make a theme be properly optimised?

      2. Rich Tabor Avatar

        The #1 bit would be proper editor styling so that the theme’s front end and editor instances look one-to-one. Apart from that, themes can add custom font sizes relative to it’s own typographic scale, custom color palettes, and support for wide/full alignments.

  13. Allan Hmelnitski Avatar
    Allan Hmelnitski

    Holy F&%¤%&/! As if it wasnt complicated enough before the f%¤ing G-berg! WHY?

    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      Well, it’s, ore complicated for sure — but much more usable at that. Time to level-up!

  14. Aleksandr Samokhin Avatar

    Hi Rich,
    Do you know how to deal with Noto-Serif font that Gutenberg is loading in the front-end by default? I’ve made a custom block and enqueue my front-end styles using default hook that Gutenberg provides. But seems like that Gutenberg is loading Noto Serif CSS by default. I don’t need it on all the pages, since I’m using dynamic fonts that loading from customizer. Should I simply dequeue it?


    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      There’s an issue on the Gutenberg GitHub repo to allow themes to dequeue it (I tried to find it to link it here). In time that’ll be an option for sure, as honestly, 100% of themes moving forward that aren’t using Noto-Serif on the front-end should be dequeuing it.

  15. Mario Avatar

    A common use is to have a full-width page template. Is it possible to add different styles to the editor depending on the page template selected on “Page Attributes” panel?

    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      I found having a Fullwidth page template is the best way forward here, but it’s certainly possible with other methods – just not as quick development-wise.

  16. Matt Downey Avatar

    The transition from the Classic Editor to Gutenberg has been cumbersome, but this article helped me understand a few basics that made a big difference in my project.

    Thanks for the resources, Rich — I appreciate you making the switch to Gutenberg easier to handle!

    1. Rich Tabor Avatar

      Good to hear Matt! If you have any other suggestions for articles the help folks, let me know 🙂

  17. Filip Avatar

    I’ve been also scratching my head for several days to get this working as easy as possible. I choose this approach:

    styles.css (generated from sass) holds all my styles
    block-styles.css (2) – This file holds all my block styles for the theme that I’ve custom created. These styles are encapsulated within the .editor-styles-wrapper, together with an import styles.sass. Then I enqueue this through the admin_enqueue_scripts function. After that I hook in the next file.
    editor-blocks-style.css – This file I hook into the ‘enqueue_block_editor_assets’ action with a dependency of my ‘block-styles’ (see 2) so it gets loaded after this style.

    Maybe it’s not the ideal way but in my case I have quite good control about the styling now. Tips or remarks are always welcome 😉

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